Update May 9 2023
In compliance with the government’s request, we regret to announce that we will suspend the following library services as a measure against the further spreading of the Novel Coronavirus infections (COVID-19).
The Main Library
Effective from April 1 2023
Opening Hours Weekdays 9am-8pm, Saturdays 12pm-5pm
Service details:
*Entrance to the stack room
*Use of the photocopier
*Checking out the materials
*Use of the carrels and reading seats (Limited)
contact information
The Main Library (Service Section) :
E-mail: lib-unyo.e@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tel: 03-5841-5562
Fax: 03-5841-5527
The Resources and Historical Collections Office (Shiryo-shitsu)
■ Limited-Opening: please inquire⇒E-mail: shiryo@e.u-tokyo.ac.jp 【from October 1 2020】
■ Temporal checkout of materials in Resources and Historical Collections Office
1. The following conditions should be satisfied to checkout.
・Location field in UTokyo OPAC : Eco.Lib.Resources
・Status field in UTokyo OPAC: etc2
・Books or Journals
・Not deteriorated materials
2. Applicable person for this temporal checkout
・Staffs/Faculties at the Faculty of Economics, Graduate students, Undergraduate students who are writing graduation theses in this year.
3. Checkout condition
・See “Our loan policies on the number of items and loan periods” in the library website.
・Unable to reniew the checkout period
We may ask you to return the checked out materials even during the checkout period in case of returning to normal operation or if the material becomes in need for our work.
4. Application
・Please contact us from Application Form below for temporal checkout. We will contact you by return email.
http://www.lib.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/?page_id=11669 (Application Form)
These measures may be changed depending on how the situation goes.
Please check our website and twitter to stay informed of any further changes.
contact information
Resources and Historical Collections Office (Shiryo-shitsu) :
E-mail: shiryo@e.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tel: 03-5841-5591
Fax: 03-5841-5531