
Economics and Finance Databases(CARF)

Economics and finance databases available for members of Graduate School of Economics/Faculty of Economics, the University of Tokyo

ProQuest Statistical Insight

Provides access to statistics produced by the U.S. government, major international intergovernmental organizations, professional and trade organizations, commercial publishers, independent research organizations, state government agencies, and universities. (*Formerly: “LexisNexis Statistical Universe”)
How to access from off-campus

International Statistical Yearbook

The economic statistics can be searched created by Eurostat, OECD, IMF, UNIDO, Fame Information Services, Deutsche Bundesbank, Statistisches Bundesamt (Statistical Office of the German government), DIW (German institut of economic research).
How to access from off-campus

OECD iLibrary

The OECD iLibrary is an online database encompassing all of OECD’s publications and databases. Data can be located by using a keyword search to locate working papers from reports, or documents from statistical databases. Statistics can be downloaded with Excel and and processed using a special chart. (*Formerly: “SourceOECD”)
How to access from off-campus

Historical statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition

The standard source for the quantitative facts of American history (access limited to terminals within the University of Tokyo campus).

Social Science Japan Data Archive (SSJ Data Archive)

The SSJ Data Archive is a comprehensive archive of social science data concerning Japan.
The SSJDA collects, compiles, and digitizes micro-level data on Japanese society, and offers them for secondary analysis.

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