You can search through numerous databases, including: Business Source Elite, Econlit, Regional Business News, SocINDEX, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Historical Abstracts, America: History & Life, etc.
How to access from off-campus
Cambridge University Press Digital Journals Archive (CJDA)
Political and Economics Title lists available
Legal Scholarship Network (LSN)
LSN is a service which provides abstracts of academic magazines to scholars of law, economics and business.
This is a database of major academic journals in over 10 subject fields, mostly in social sciences, such as politics and economics (175 titles in Arts & Sciences I Collection, 222titles in Art & Science III Collection). Allows users to view full texts of journals from the first issue to the most current issue in pictorial form.
How to access from off-campus
Financial Times Historical Archive
The online version of UK’s daily financial newspaper (Financial Times). Full-texts of archives since the publication’s launch can be retrieved.
How to access from off-campus
The Making of the Modern World (MOMW)
A full text searchable database spanning from the mid-15th century to 1850, containing 61,000 social science-related publications centered around historical economics, business, and social values, as well as 466 periodical publications from the same era. The contents have been collected from the archives of the Goldsmiths’ Library of Economic Literature, University of London and the Kress Library of Business and Economics, Harvard Business School, with a sum total of some 12 million pages.
How to access from off-campus