Economics and Finance Databases(CARF)
Economics and finance databases available for members of Graduate School of Economics/Faculty of Economics, the University of Tokyo
Domestic Companies
Business Archives Online (J-DAC(Japan Digital Archives Center))
You will be able to browse, in PDF form, annual reports, prospectuses and financial reports of Japanese enterprises held by the Library of Economics, the University of Tokyo (access limited to terminals within the University of Tokyo campus).
Database of Financial Reports of Japanese Enterprises
Among financial reports held by the Library of Economics, the University of Tokyo, those from 1961 to 1985 are now archived digitally and are made accessible.
Full-text searches are possible for financial reports of Japanese companies, and the data can be downloaded.
How to access from off-campus
The numerical data listed on the financial statements can be output in Excel/CSV format on specific terminals in the Library of Economics. For details, please ask the staff at the Library of Economics.
※The number of simultaneous users is limited.
Other Sources of Information
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
Annual reports (1844-2008) available for over 800 companies, 43,000 reports, 1.3M pages. Searchable puff images with indexed data such as: financial, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, auditor and related companies. It can also be browsed by company name, related names, industry or date.
How to access from off-campus
Nexis Uni
Covers extensively world and regional news (newspaper, magazine, and wire articles), business information (magazines, corporate information, SEC documents), and more.
How to access from off-campus
Disclosure system for financial reports of capital markets companies in the USA provided by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Disclosure system for financial reports of capital markets companies in Canada provided by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA).
National Storage Mechanism (NSM)
Disclosure system for financial reports of capital markets companies in the UK provided by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
For other databases, please see the Electronic Material Portal.