Adam Smith’s Library (240 items)
- Select “Adam Smith’s library” from the pull-down menu in the Collection field on Advanced Search of the UTokyo OPAC, then click the search button.
- Click on an icon
beside Barcode Number in each bibliography.
- The digital archives are provided by PDF.
Menger’s Library (80 items, access limited to terminals within the University of Tokyo campus)
- Select “Menger’s library” from the pull-down menu in the Collection field on Advanced Search of the UTokyo OPAC, then click the search button.
- Click on an icon
beside Barcode Number in each bibliography.
- The digital archives are provided by PDF.
Historical Social Science Documents (193 items)
- Select “Eco.Lib.Vault” from the pull-down menu in the Location field on Advanced Search of the UTokyo OPAC, then click the search button.
- Click on an icon
beside Barcode Number in each bibliography.
- The digital archives are provided by PDF.
Parts of the data construction in this database were supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result (2012) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).