- Books and other reports collected from 1917 when the Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute was known as the Mitsubishi Limited Partnership Materials, Restructuring Department. Some of them are designated as Special Materials or Semi-rare books.
- This can be searched on UTokyo OPAC. The name “The Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute collection” will appear in the Collection field.
If you would like to browse, select The Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute collection from the pull-down menu in the Collection field on Advanced Search of the UTokyo OPAC, then click the search button.
- Search System of Mitsubishi Historical Documents / SSMHD
Provided by Seikei University Library
Digital Archives
- 「支那に於ける信託會社の過去及現在 (shina ni okeru shintaku gaisha no kako oyobi genzai)」
- 「露西亜社會主義聯邦ソビィエト共和國勞働法並ニ自一九二二年至一九二九年改正條項 (roshia shakai shugi renpo sobieto kyowakoku rodoho narabini 1922nen yori 1929nen ni itaru kaisei joko)」
- About using the general books: Service Section
- About using the Special Materials and Semi-Rare: Resources and Historical Collections Office