Documents of Asadas

  • 18,120 items of historical manuscripts passed down in the Asada family of Nishihokeno-mura in Soraku-gun, Yamashiro-no-kuni (Current known as Kizugawa City, Kyoto).
  • The collection includes: squire documents of Nishihokkeno-mura, Koma-yonkason  documents, squire documents of Nobitai-mura, head squire documents of Koma-gumi (Kamo-gumi), documents on modern regional administration and managerial positions, the family documents of the Asada Family, Yamato-koriyama Chamachi documents, Okazaki-mura documents, Shimojima-mura documents and documents regarding Kawabe Zen-e-mon of Saganaka-mura.
Searching the Catalogue
  • 『浅田家文書仮目録 (Asadake monjo kari mokuroku)』Historical Documents of Economic, the Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 1986.3
  • 『浅田家文書仮目録<続> (Asadake monjo kari mokuroku <zoku>)』Historical Documents of Economic, the Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 1992.2
  1. TOMIZEN Kazutoshi「近世地方文書の史料群構造:山城国相楽郡西法花野村浅田家文書中の狛組大庄屋文書を素材として (kinsei jikata monjo no shiryogun kozo : Yamashironokuni Sorakugun Nishihokenomura Asadake monjo chu no komagumi ojoya monjo wo sozai toshite)」『アーカイブズの科学 下巻 (akaibuzu no kagaku 2)』National Institute of Japanese Literature, eds., Kasiwashobo, 2003.10
Related Collections
  • 『浅田(北)(南)家文書 (Asada kitake / minamike monjo)』held by 京都府立山城郷土資料館 (Kyoto furitsu Yamashiro kyodo shiryokan)
  • Saigyodo Library held by the National Institute of Japanese Literature
  • Resources and Historical Collections Office

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