Documents of Japan National Railways Reconstruction Supervision Committee

  • Materials (228 items) on the proceedings of the Japan National Railways Reconstruction Supervision Committee, established in 1983 to supervise the division and privatization of Japan National Railways.
  • These materials were donated by Emeritus Professor Sumiya Mikio (1916-2003), who was on the Japan National Railways Reconstruction Supervision Committee.
  • As a general rule, these materials can only be studied by using reproductions in the main library reading room. For sections which were not reproduced, please contact the Shiryo-shitsu.
  1. 国鉄再建監理委員会資料目録 (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai shiryo mokuroku)』The Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2004.3
  2. 『国鉄再建監理委員会 : 委員会議事録と配布資料マイクロフィルム版目録 (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai : iinkai gijiroku to haifu shiryo maikurofirumu ban mokuroku)』Maruzen, [2009.12]
  • 『国鉄再建監理委員会 : 委員会議事録と配布資料 (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai : iinkai gijiroku to haifu shiryo)』DVD version / Microfilm edition, Maruzen, [2009]
  1. TAKEDA Haruhito「国鉄再建監理委員会資料解題 (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai shiryo kaidai)」『国鉄再建監理委員会資料目録 (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai shiryo mokuroku)』The Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2004.3
  2. KOJIMA Hiroyuki「国鉄再建監理委員会資料目録補遺について (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai shiryo mokuroku hoi ni tsuite)」『国鉄再建監理委員会資料目録 (kokutetsu saiken kanri iinkai shiryo mokuroku)』The Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2004.3
Related Collection
  • Meeting minutes which were reprinted and republished at the same time as these materials are held by the National Archives of Japan.
  • About using the microfilm: Service Section
  • About the original documents: Resources and Historical Collections Office

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