Documents Regarding Land Transportation: “The Ministry of Railways Documents”
- The files of permits and authorizations for the land transport industry from the Ministry of Railways, from 1937 to 1942 (319 items).
- 『小運送関係「鉄道省文書」目録 (kounso kankei “tetsudosho monjo” mokuroku)』The Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2007.3
- KAWAMURA Satoshi, TAKASHIMA Shuichi「解題 : 小運送関係『鉄道省文書』 (kaidai : kounso kankei “tetsudosho monjo”)」『小運送関係「鉄道省文書」目録 (kounso kankei “tetsudosho monjo” mokuroku)』The Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2007.3
- OIKAWA Yoshinobu「小運送関係『鉄道省文書』目録によせて (kounso kankei “tetsudosho monjo” mokuroku ni yosete)」 『小運送関係「鉄道省文書」目録 (kounso kankei “tetsudosho monjo” mokuroku)』The Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2007.3
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