Usage of the main library

The Library of Economics, the University of Tokyo, is open to those in the Faculty of Economics and the Graduate School of Economics, as well as other faculty members and students of the University of Tokyo.
Further, we welcome users who are not affiliated with the University of Tokyo (certain restrictions apply.  For more information, please see “Non-Members of the University of Tokyo”).

Members of the University of Tokyo


The majority of the materials in the library are located in the library’s stacks.

Identify the Call Number (Call No.) of the material you are looking for in the University of Tokyo Library OPAC (UTokyo OPAC).
Then, write down the Call No., the title/name of the material, and the issue number/date (for periodicals) on a slip of paper and submit it, together with your Student/Faculty ID card, to the counter.  The counter staff will retrieve the item for you from the stacks.

The following people are allowed to enter the stacks:

If you would like to use micro data, or need large amounts of data such as almanacs and statistical papers, please contact the Service Section at beforehand.


Self-service copiers are located on the 3rd floor.
These copy machines accept coins, thousand-yen bills and CO-OP Copy Cards.
Library materials may be copied within the extent allowed by the Copyright Act.

  • A black-and-white copy is 10 yen per sheet.
  • Please fill out an application. Copying is limited only to the library materials.


Our loan policies on the number of items and loan periods are as follows:

Members of the Graduate School of Economics and the Faculty School of Economics


Members of the Faculty

100 items / 3 months

30 items / 1 month

Emeritus Professors

30 items / 2 months

Not available

Part-time Lecturers, Research Workers

100 items / 3 months

30 items / 1 month

Graduate Students

30 items / 2 months

10 items / 1 month

Undergraduate Students

5 items / 2 weeks

3 items / 2 weeks

  • Graduate students and undergraduate students may borrow Recommended Books (up to 3 volumes for 1 week; note that Recommended Books will not be loaned from the week before the final exams to the end of the exam period).
  • Bound periodicals and electronic media can be borrowed for up to 1 week.
  • Open-shelf journals and reference books are not available for borrowing.

Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Services (for members of the Graduate School of Economics and Faculty School of Economics only)

For materials which cannot be found within the University of Tokyo, we can ask for copies and/or loans from other libraries.  Please contact the Service Section ( for details.

Using ‘MyOPAC’

MyOPAC allows you to take the actions below.
For more details, please see the UTokyo OPAC User’s Guide.

  • Confirm items which you are currently borrowing, and extend the period
  • Order books that are held by libraries outside of the Hongo Campus
  • Ask for copies to be made from materials in the libraries of the University of Tokyo
  • Ask for acquisitions of materials

Wireless LAN

UTokyo WiFi Service is available for the 3rd floor reading room and the group study room.
For more details, please see UTokyo WiFi website.

Non-Members of the University of Tokyo

If you would like access to the materials in the main library, please e-mail the Service Section (, with your name, contact details, specifics on the material you are requesting (Call No., title and issue) and the date when you would like to use the material. The materials can be reserved one week in advance. You can also contact us via Application form.
Application form(one material)
Application form(multiple materials)

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