Documents Previously Classified Under General Library Classifications

  • 445 documents which were originally organized under the general library classification and stored in the closed stacks or the repository of the main library.  They were moved to the previous Documents Room and were reorganized.
  • This collection includes: Documents concerning the Factory Bill (Kojo-ho-an Kankei Bunsho), Kaga Domain Firefighters Records (Kaga-han Hikeshikata Techo), public and legal records (Goyo-do-me Cho), correspondences between those associated with the High Treason Incident (Taigyaku Jiken) such as Kotoku Shusui, Suga Kanno and written down on a notebook by Katayama Sen, daily monitoring reports on the Korean workers in the Yubari Coal Mine in Hokkaido at the end of the war, and amended land title deeds from 1884 for the following villages in Shida-gun in Rikuzen-no-kuni: Ohata-mura, Ogaki-mura, Inaba-mura, Nakazato-mura and Furukawa-mura (currently Furukawa City, Miyagi ).
  • 『文書室所蔵文書目録 (monjo shitsu shozo monjo mokuroku)』Historical Documents of Economic, the Library of Economics, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2007.3
  1. OZAWA Yusaku, eds.『近代民衆の記録10:在日朝鮮人 (kindai minshu no kiroku. 10 : zainichi chosenjin)』Shin-Jinbutsuoraisha, 1978.12
  • Resources and Historical Collections Office

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