Reports on Industrial, Manufacturing, and Mining companies

  • Reports from 1945, developed and submitted by mining and manufacturing corporations under the orders from the Supreme Commander of Allied Powers (generally known as GHQ) who wanted to assess the actualities in the two industries (1,674 items).
  • Only the microfilm version of this material can be studied, in the main library reading room.
    *For using the microfilm, reservation is required.
  • The original is not made public.
  1. 『工鉱業関係会社報告書総目録 : 占領初期実態調査 : マイクロフィルム版』(kokogyo kankei kaisha hokokusho somokuroku : senryo shoki jittai chosa. microfilm ban)』Yushodo, 2003.1
  • 『工鉱業関係会社報告書マイクロフィルム版 (kokogyo kankei kaisha hokokusho. microfilm ban)』Yushodo, 2003.1
  1. TAKADA Haruhito「工鑛業關係會社報告書 (kokogyo kankei kaisha hokokusho)」『工鉱業関係会社報告書総目録 : 占領初期実態調査 : マイクロフィルム版 (kokogyo kankei kaisha hokokusho somokuroku : senryo shoki jittai chosa. microfilm ban)』Yushodo, 2003.1
  • About using the microfilm: Service Section
  • About the original documents: Resources and Historical Collections Office

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